The VERONA 30 is a group of stocks that we believe will outperform the market over a period of time. We constantly monitor economic, technical, and market indicators. Our market stance is principally determined by the economic climate, that is, the growth of the U.S. economy and the direction of interest rates. Pior to purchasing common stock, we carefully examine all of the technical indicators and try to buy at fair prices. We usually have a five year time horizon, therefore, we try to buy stocks in the VERONA 30 when they appear cheap to us. We always evaluate our client's tax situation prior to selling a companies' equity, but will never keep it just for tax reasons.
Michael Armijo received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Adminstration from Cal State University, Sacramento. He manages money for high net worth individuals and small business companies, providing diversified portfolio management with a select choice of stocks, bonds, cash equivalents and real estate investment trust-type investments based on the needs & objectives of clientele.
Michael was formerly an Investment Specialist III at Charles Schwab & Co. Michael founded Verona Capital Management LLC in 1999 and is a member of Schwab Advisor Services at CHARLES SCHWAB INSTITUTIONAL GROUP.
Alan Freiman received his MBA in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He worked for the Investment Banking firm of Kidder Peabody for over ten years. He also worked in the commercial real estate business managing and owning properties on the West Coast. Alan has been working for Verona Capital since 1999.